Terms and conditions.

The trading conditions together with the order confirmation constitute the agreement between the customer’s legal entity, which is described in the order confirmation, and Logisnap’s legal entity, which is listed in the Order Confirmation as Supplier. The agreement describes and elaborates on the access that the customer has to the use of the Logisnap Platform, as well as the Supplier’s delivery of extra services, which are detailed below.

The agreement elaborates on the way in which personal data is processed by the Supplier in connection with the delivery of the purchased product and therefore constitutes the contract (Data Processing Agreement, English: ”Data Processing Agreement”) between the Supplier and the Customer, as it must according to the general regulation on data protection article 28 , PCS. 3.

1. Description of delivery.

1.1 Access to Logisnap's platform.

The Logisnap Platform is developed and managed by LogiSnap ApS (“LogiSnap”) and offers the Customer local Logisnap devices (“the Supplier”) as Software as a Service (SaaS).

The delivery also includes the Customer’s right to access and use the Logisnap Platform, as is evident from the terms listed below. The delivery also includes the software installed locally by the customer, to the extent stated in the order confirmation.

The Logisnap Platform enables the Customer’s employees (“Users”) to produce and manage shipments together in one system with access to the carrier library.

The Logisnap Platform makes it possible to produce shipments, generate relevant documents and labels, electronic notification and booking with various relevant carriers.

In addition, the Logisnap Platform contains various customer service tools. Including calculation of freight prices, administration of return shipments, ad hoc transport insurance, notifications via SMS and e-mail, reporting etc.

1.2 Extra deliveries.

In the order confirmation, it is described how the delivery also includes labels, label printers and/or other types of hardware or goods that are used in connection with the Logisnap Platform. Unless otherwise stated in the Order Confirmation, software, hardware and other goods are deemed to have been delivered when they have been physically delivered to the Customer’s address.

The supplier’s goods are delivered as described above. At the same time, the Customer is responsible for the purchase of necessary software, hardware and network connections, which are necessary to use the Logisnap Platform.

It is possible to make a rental agreement for all hardware products through one of Logisnap’s partners. For a review of related opportunities and partners, please contact Logisnap.

1.3 Set up and integration with client's back-end system.

The Logisnap Platform contains integrations for various back-end systems on the market. The Customer can use these integrations to create integrations between the Customer’s back-end system and the Logisnap Platform.

In this way, the customer will be able to use the services offered via the Logisnap Platform in their own systems.

The supplier can provide assistance to the customer in relation to the establishment of integrations. This will be in the form of consultancy assistance. This is calculated on an hourly basis, as described in the Order Confirmation. The supplier must notify the customer if the price estimate cannot be met. This may be due to unforeseen circumstances or similar circumstances.

2. Clients use of Logisnap's platform.

2.1 Use of Logisnap's platform.

Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Supplier, the Customer may only use the Logisnap Platform for its own purposes and may therefore not transfer access and use of the Logisnap Platform to third parties. Misuse of this means that LogiSnap can cancel the contract as a result of the Customer’s significant breach. At the same time, the Customer must ensure that the Customer’s use of the Logisnap Platform complies with laws and regulations that are relevant to the customer’s business area. This is not limited by personal data regulations.

2.2 Cancellation of the client’s access to the Logisnap platform.

If license fees or other fees paid pursuant to this agreement have not been paid on the due date, Logisnap may choose to terminate the Agreement as a result of the Customer’s material breach, just as Logisnap is entitled, without further notice, to close the Customer’s access to the Logisnap Platform completely or in part until all amounts are paid.

Logisnap can also cancel the Agreement and thus the Customer’s access to the LogiSnap Platform, if Logisnap has reason to suspect that the Logisnap Platform has not been used in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.

LogiSnap can close the Customer’s access to the Logisnap platform temporarily for as long as it is deemed necessary to investigate the suspected breach of the Agreement.

In this connection, the customer will not be entitled to receive a refund or price reduction.

2.3Generation, storage and deletion of shipping data.

When the Customer uses the Logisnap Platform, this will result in transaction data being generated for shipments produced by the Customer (“Shipment Data”).

Shipping data is stored in the Logisnap Platform. The customer will be able to access the stored Shipment data, this may be in connection with customer enquiries, tracking, searching, reporting and statistical purposes.

The Logisnap Platform contains an online tool that enables the Customer to export and delete Shipment data. All Shipment data will be stored until the data is deleted by the Customer or until the Agreement is terminated (cf. Section 10.2). Shipping data is stored by default for 36 months. If you want them stored beyond the 36 months, this must be done as a special agreement between the Customer and the Supplier.

It is Logisnap that must ensure that the servers where shipping data is stored are mirrored. This is to protect data against loss in the event of server failure and the like.

3. Service agreement and support.

3.1 Definitions.

Incident means an unplanned interruption of an IT service or reduced quality of an IT service.

Service request means a request from a User regarding advice, information, standard changes or access to an IT service.

Request for change means changing, adding or removing something that may affect an IT service.

3.2 Versions of Logisnap's platform.

It is the Supplier’s intention to implement future updates to the functionality of the Logisnap Platform. However, the Supplier has no obligation to do so.

The customer’s right to use an updated version of the Logisnap Platform is included in the monthly subscription fee to be paid.

The Supplier may require the Customer to update any software, hardware or any other equipment used by the Customer which is no longer compatible with the updated version of the Logisnap Platform.

3.3 Support.

Online customer center

Logisnap has an online customer center that is available. There is a list of FAQs (frequently asked questions) that can also be accessed by the customer. The Customer Center can assist and guide the Customer through the most relevant configuration level changes and support basic troubleshooting. Access and use of the customer center is freely available.

LogiHelp – staffed with technical staff

Logisnap provides a LogiHelp manned by technical staff. This acts as the customer’s first point of contact. It is possible to get telephone and technical help Monday-Thursday between 9:00-17:00 and Friday from 09:00-16:00, this is done via remote connection and is free of charge.

Logisnap’s technically staffed LogiHelp will be able to help with various operational queries, fault diagnosis and resolution as well as resolution of incidents.

Opening hours and contact information can be found under support on the website.

3.4 24-hour service for business-critical operations .

For an additional fee, the Supplier can provide access to 24-hour service, which is provided in Danish and English. The 24-hour service is open 24 hours a day, all year round.

The supplier can also provide a tailored service agreement. A local representative is contacted for further information and price.

3.5 Consulting services - supplementary services.

The supplier can provide consulting services to the customer, this is something that the customer orders on a case-by-case basis. The services are delivered on site or via remote connection. The services are delivered on the basis of time taken.

3.6 System availability and server response time.

Logisnap provides a catalog that describes LogiSnap-hosted web services and APIs. These web services act as back-end components for Logisnap installations.

All Logisnap hosted web services are designed to have 100% uptime. This is regardless of peak traffic during the day or week.

If a change requires a planned interruption of the service, Logisnap will notify the Customer in good time, at least two weeks in advance.

Logisnap will plan the interruptions to be at times outside of peak loads. This is to minimize inconvenience to customers.

Logisnap’s web services are designed, built and configured to respond in accordance with the following.

Web service



Business critical single transactions

(label generation, price inquiry, postal codes, etc.)

10-500 milliseconds



Business-critical multi-transactions

(Batch transfer of data to carrier, batch processing of return information, data mining, retrieval of large data sets, etc.) depends on the amount of data and third-party data importer/exporter



Not relevant

Non-business critical configuration web services

(change of configuration data)





Target and guarantee times are measured as processing time from start to finish on LogiSnap’s servers. LogiSnap does not guarantee third-party web services provided by Carriers and other data providers.

3.7 Service levels and severity of errors.

Should an error occur in the Logisnap Platform or in Logisnap’s software, which causes an incident with the Customer, the error correction and support service in relation to the software/infrastructure hosted by Logisnap must comply with the following:


Preliminary answers*

KPI for a solution*

Update for the client

Severity 1

Without a temporary solution. The use of a critical system is impossible in the production environment or poses a serious risk to business-critical operations. (Business-critical web services, APIs, portal access)

5 minutes

20 minutes

Every second hour or by appointment

Severity 2

Without a temporary solution. Essential functions are severely affected or limited but do not cause immediate cessation of work and operations may continue in a limited manner.

60 minutes

4 hours

Every second hour or by appointment

Severity 3

Where there is a moderate loss or impairment of services, but work can reasonably continue at reduced power.

12 hours

24 hours

By appointment

Severity 4

Where there is a minor loss or a minor deterioration of services, but work can reasonably continue at reduced power, or an inquiry about a product or service.

24 hours

48 hours

By appointment

*Only measured during working hours

Slow Wi-Fi distribution may increase processing time.

4. Payment and pricing.

4.1 Access to Logisnap's platform.

Subscription fees for access to the Logisnap Platform consist of a monthly fee. The monthly subscription fee also includes an included number of generated parcel IDs – if more parcels are generated than are included in the subscription, these will be charged at a price of DKK 0.50 per parcel.id.

4.2 Payment.

All fees pursuant to the Agreement are due upon the Supplier’s invoicing. The supplier issues invoices for the subscription fee and any other optional subscriptions upon entering into the Agreement. Invoices for hardware, other goods and integration services are issued upon delivery.

All prices are quoted without VAT and other direct taxes that apply to the deliveries under the Agreement.

The customer is obliged to pay any taxes, in addition to the amount stated in the Order Confirmation. The supplier must include applicable taxes in invoices.

If the customer uses the online payment portal via PayLike, the customer will be subject to the conditions applicable at any given time for PayLike. If the customer chooses to make use of Logianap’s wallet function and deposit money into their Logianap account, this amount will be available for consumption of the product range available from time to time on the Logisnap platform. If the customer wishes to withdraw the money from their Logisnap account, an e-mail request must be sent to: bogholderi@logisnap.com with the given amount, as well as account and reg. No. where the amount is to be returned to. The processing time will be running month +1.

If the customer chooses to have their Logisnap account automatically topped up via PayLike, the customer will have given their consent for the amount specified by the customer to be withdrawn when their Logisnap account reaches 0. If it is desired to withdraw money from their Logisnap account, the same conditions apply with the same conditions as above, current month +1.

If the customer chooses for their subscription payments to go via the payment portal and credit card, the customer will have given their consent to the full amount being deducted for the customer’s chosen services and products upon creation and the cut-off date. If the customer’s payment does not go through, the customer’s subscription will be deactivated immediately and the customer will be asked to res

4.3 Delivery, integrations- og implementation services.

The price of additional deliveries of hardware and other goods will follow the prices stated by Logisnap. For specification of these, in addition to the prices stated in the agreement, please contact Logisnap.

If otherwise agreed, additional implementation and integration services will be invoiced as consultancy services. This is based on elapsed time, which is done in accordance with the Supplier’s current price list.

4.4 Transfer.

The supplier has the option to transfer the Agreement to any company within the Logisnap group.

The Customer may only transfer the Agreement with the Supplier’s written approval, which may not be withheld or refused without reasonable cause.

5. Intangible rights.

5.1 Rights to Logisnap's platform.

The Supplier or the Supplier’s third parties are the holders of all intellectual property rights. This is not limited to database rights and copyright in the LogiSnap Software and Platform, as well as any separate components used to build and operate the LogiSnap Platform.

The customer acquires the limited right to use the LogiSnap Platform as stated and described in the Agreement. Customer has no other rights to the LogiSnap Platform in its current form or any future versions thereof. Nothing in the Agreement constitutes a transfer of ownership from LogiSnap to the Customer in whole or in part.

When purchasing licenses, LogiSnap retains ownership of the standard software according to the relevant legislation until the agreed purchase price has been paid. In the case of custom-made software, products developed by LogiSnap, or where LogiSnap is the developer/supplier of an industry solution or vertical, the Customer only acquires a right of use for the delivered standard software and customized software and for the number of users specified in the Agreement. LogiSnap thus retains all rights to what is delivered, including property and copyright to software, documentation and the like. Changes to software, documentation and the like, transfer or copying thereof (apart from backup copies) are not permitted.

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, this also applies to new functionality developed by LogiSnap in the LogiSnap Platform. This applies to functionality proposed by the Customer and the Customer’s employees. This also applies to development fully or partially paid for by the Customer.

5.2 Rights to shipping data.

The Customer owns the rights to all Shipment data, which is processed by the Supplier in the LogiSnap Platform. The supplier may only use the Shipment Data to the extent necessary.

All shipping data is kept confidential. They may be subject to technical and organizational measures that may be appropriate.

The supplier has the right to the use of anonymised Shipment data, this is for the purpose of developing statistics, in connection with the services offered via the LogiSnap Platform, as well as further development of the LogiSnap Platform or other purposes.

The database rights to the Supplier’s databases, which may contain anonymised data from the Customer together with anonymised data from other customers, remain with the Supplier. Before Shipment Data is used in a database, it is the Supplier’s task to ensure that Shipment Data is anonymized so that it is not possible to identify individuals.

6. Processing of personal data.

6.1 Processing of shipping data .

Shipping data that is transferred and processed by the LogiSnap Platform contains personal data regarding the Customer’s customers.

The customer is considered to be the data controller for all processing of personal data. The supplier is considered to be a data processor. The customer thus remains fully responsible for the legality of the processing of personal data.

The Customer will be responsible for determining when Shipment Data must be deleted and how such data is deleted, as set forth in Section 5.2. The supplier deletes Shipping data when the agreement ends, this is stated in section 9.2.

The supplier is only entitled to process the customer’s personal data, which comes from documented instructions from the customer. The supplier is thus entitled to process the personal data to the extent necessary. This is to be able to provide services in accordance with the Agreement as below, but not limited to, processing for the purpose of data security and investigation of possible security breaches.

It is the Supplier’s task to ensure that it is persons with authorization who process personal data. These are bound by confidentiality or are subject to an appropriate statutory confidentiality obligation.

The supplier is obliged to keep all shipment data confidential in relation to third parties. This is with the exception of third parties who contribute to the deliveries that the Customer must use according to the agreement. The Supplier further undertakes to implement technical and organizational measures that are appropriate to ensure that the Shipment Data is protected against accidental or unlawful destruction as well as changes, unlawful or accidental loss as well as unauthorized access by any third party.

In the unlikely event that shipping data has been compromised, the Supplier will be obliged to notify the Customer, without undue delay, after becoming aware of the breach of personal data security.

The customer will be responsible for notifying the appropriate supervisory authority and the data subjects of the breach of personal data security to the extent required by law.

The Supplier undertakes to assist the Customer as far as possible with appropriate technical and organizational measures, in order to fulfill the Customer’s obligation to respond to inquiries from the Customer’s customers.

The supplier is obliged to help the customer with information, to demonstrate compliance with the obligations set out in this section 6, available to the customer and at the same time take into account and contribute to reviews. These are inspections carried out by the Customer or another auditor authorized by the Customer.

If the above requires the provision of services by the Supplier in addition to what is covered by the standard functionality of the LogiSnap Platform, the Supplier may in certain cases charge an additional fee, which is in accordance with the standard prices applicable at any time.

The supplier may not use Shipping Data in any other way than what is described in the Agreement.

The supplier is entitled to use third-party subcontractors, this can be IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) suppliers or other technical third-party suppliers. This is in connection with the operation of the Logisnap Platform and is used to transfer Shipment data to third-party suppliers. The supplier must enter into agreements with sub-suppliers, where it is agreed how the provisions in this section 6 are complied with.

If the use of subcontractors includes a transfer of Shipment data to a third country outside the EU/EEA, it is the Supplier’s task to introduce additional security measures. This can be the EU’s standard clauses as well as seeking approval from the Customer.

6.2 Processing of personal data for which the supplier is the data controller.

In addition to processing Shipment data, which is described above, the Supplier will process personal data about buyers, users and other Customer personnel with whom the Supplier is in contact in relation to the Agreement.

In this case, the personal information is the names and contact details of the registered persons (telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and the like) as well as contact information between each individual and the Supplier.

This processing is carried out with a view to carrying out service deliveries to the Customer and with the general business development purpose, including sales and marketing. The supplier will be the data controller for this processing

The processing of the above personal data is necessary for the Supplier to deliver in accordance with the Agreement. The processing of the personal data is also necessary for the Supplier’s and/or LogiSnap’s general business operation and development.

The Supplier and/or LogiSnap will store the personal data for the duration of the Agreement and all subsequent agreements entered into with the Customer. The supplier and/or LogiSnap will continue to be allowed to store the personal data for a reasonable period of time thereafter. All data must be deleted when it is no longer necessary to store the data in relation to the stated purpose. This is unless the law obliges the Supplier and/or Logisnap to continue to store the information, in order to continue to fulfill statutory obligations, this may be applicable tax or accounting rules at any time.

The supplier and/or LogiSnap process such data in their own CRM, CS, LM and ERP systems. The Supplier and/or LogiSnap will be entitled to use third-party data processors, such as IaaS or SaaS providers or other technical third-party providers, who are in connection with the operation of such systems.

Should the use of a data processor involve a transfer of personal data to a third country outside the EU/EEA, it is the Supplier’s duty to transfer the personal data on the basis of the EU’s standard clauses and appropriate security measures.

Each person has the right to access their own personal data, which is processed by the Supplier and/or LogiSnap. Each individual also has the right to request that the data be rectified or deleted in accordance with the terms listed above. This is unless the data subject already has information about the activities carried out by the Supplier, otherwise the Customer must inform its own staff about the processing.

6.3 Data Protection Advisor.

LogiSnap has appointed its own data protection advisor, who can be contacted via e-mail: dataprotection@logisnap.com.

7. Cancellation policy.

The customer has the right to cancel the delivery of ordered consulting services, this must be done by giving at least 24 hours written notice to the Supplier, before the agreed start time for the consulting services.

All ordered consulting services canceled later than this time must be paid in full by the Customer.

8. Failure to comply.

8.1 Remedy.

Each party is obliged to remedy any breach of the Agreement as soon as possible and no later than 10 working days after receiving a written notification from the other party with a request for remedy.

8.2 Missing payment.

In the event of the Customer’s failure to pay, the Supplier will be entitled to receive interest in accordance with the statutory provisions on default interest in the legislation of the Supplier’s country of registration.

8.3 Price reduction.

If the quality of the service on the LogiSnap Platform is worse than what the Customer can reasonably expect, the Customer will be entitled to a proportionate reduction in the monthly subscription fee. This is up to a maximum price reduction of 50% of the agreed price for the periods when the quality deficiency was present.

8.4 Responsibility.

Where one of the parties has paid compensation to a data subject in accordance with the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation, that party will be entitled to demand repayment of the part of the compensation corresponding to the other party’s share of responsibility for the damage. LogiSnap will only be liable to the Customer for damages caused by the processing of personal data, if LogiSnap has not complied with obligations in the General Data Protection Regulation specifically aimed at data processors, or if LogiSnap has acted outside or in violation of The customer’s lawful instructions.

A party is released from liability to the other party if it proves that it is in no way responsible for the event that resulted in the damage.

With respect to other types of damages and an administrative fine imposed on the other party by a competent regulatory authority, each party is liable to the other party for documented losses caused by the other party’s breach of its obligations under the Agreement.

Neither party will be liable to the other party for any indirect or consequential loss, including, but not limited to, production loss, operating loss, lost data, profit loss, trading loss, lost earnings or other consequential loss. No party will be liable for any loss in excess of the total amount paid by the Customer (excluding VAT) under the Agreement. This limitation of liability must be calculated in terms of amount prior to the month in which the default occurred, which forms the basis for the claim.

Without limiting the foregoing, LogiSnap will not be liable for the following losses under the Agreement:

  • Extra fees from suppliers of freight services to the Customer due to errors in the LogiSnap Platform.
  • The difference between the shipping costs estimated by the LogiSnap Platform and the actual shipping costs charged by the suppliers for shipping services.
  • Any additional costs in relation to manual work that is necessary due to errors in or unavailability of the LogiSnap Platform.

8.5 Termination due to significantly breach.

Where a breach of contract is material and this has not been remedied by the other party within 10 business days after the party affected by the breach has sent a written notice (if the material breach is of such a nature that it purely can actually be rectified), the Agreement can be terminated in writing by the party that has been affected by the breach. Termination of the Agreement takes effect from the date of the notice of termination and does not affect services already provided under the Agreement.

The Supplier will be able to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect due to the Customer’s non-payment if an overdue payment has not been paid within 30 days after a written payment reminder has been sent to the Customer.

8.6 Force Majeure.

Neither party is entitled to compensation in the event of non-performance if this is due to force majeure.

Force majeure exists if a party is prevented from fulfilling the agreement as a result of war, civil war, rebellion, public restrictions, import or export bans, natural disasters, including but not limited to earthquakes, storm surges, extensive flooding, cloudbursts, volcanic eruptions and widespread labor disputes, fire or the like, which should not or could not have been foreseen by the parties at the time of entering into the agreement.

In the event of force majeure, LogiSnap is entitled to cancel the order or part of the order or to fulfill the Agreement when the obstacle to fulfillment has ceased.

9. Duration and Termination.

9.1 First agreement period and subsequent periods.

The customer’s right to use the LogiSnap Platform begins on the date stated in the Order Confirmation. This right lasts until the end of the first Agreement period, which is also stated in the Order Confirmation.

From the start date of the Agreement period, as stated in the Order Confirmation, the customer has a 7-day right of withdrawal. In order for the Customer to make use of the right of cancellation, the Customer must notify the Supplier in writing before the 7-day period has expired.

There is no binding on the subscription agreements and the customer has the option of terminating the agreement with a current month + 1 notice.

All consumption services will be settled on the final invoice, including any excess physical labels that have already been delivered to the customer.

If the Customer has created rental agreements for hardware, the hardware will be covered by the terms of the rental agreement and is thus not covered by LogiSnap’s termination conditions. The customer is asked to contact the supplier for further information.

9.2 Effects of Termination.

After termination of the Agreement, for whatever reason, the Supplier undertakes to store Shipment Data for a period of 30 days after the date of termination. During this period, the Customer must be able to access the LogiSnap Platform and is also responsible for being able to retrieve and store all Shipment data. After the end of the 30-day period, the Supplier will reserve the right to delete all Shipment data without further notice to the Customer.

9.3 Warnings.

All notices must be in writing and must be sent to the email address listed for each party in the order confirmation.

9.4 Choice of law and venue.

The agreement is subject to the laws of the country where the Supplier is registered. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is the ordinary courts with jurisdiction at the Supplier’s registered address.

10. Freight service and use of labels through the LogiSnap platform.

Labels purchased through the LogiSnap Platform may only be used for the Customer’s own distribution. Resale of these is therefore not permitted. In case of breach of the conditions described below, the Supplier reserves the right to post-invoice the Customer for the specified fees.

10.1 The carrier's terms and conditions.

The supplier cooperates with a number of carriers, including PostNord, GLS, Bring etc., through which the customer can use their freight services to distribute his shipments. The supplier thus does not handle shipments in its physical form and is thus neither a carrier nor a freight forwarder.

When the Customer orders and purchases freight on the LogiSnap Platform, the Customer accepts, in addition to LogiSnap’s terms and conditions, also the terms and conditions of the carrier used.

The conditions include, but are not limited to, the following: package, dimension and packaging requirements as well as complaints procedure and compensation claims in case of damage/loss of the shipment.

Should there be substantive inconsistencies between the Supplier’s and the carrier’s terms and conditions, the Supplier’s terms and conditions will prevail.

If the Customer wishes to raise an objection or complain about the physical shipment, contact must be made with the carrier used, who is liable for compensation to the Customer.

10.2 Questions regarding shipping.

If the Customer has any questions regarding the physical shipment, these must be addressed to the given carrier directly. The questions include, but are not limited to, the following: the status of the package, delivery time, collection and specific trading conditions.

10.3 Carrier's terms and conditions.

In the event that the customer should act in such a way that a fee is imposed on LogiSnap from the freight agreement providers or other partners, due to the customer’s actions, these will be invoiced to the customer in full, with an imposed administration fee of DKK 79.

In the event of post-invoicing on a shipment, the Customer will per e-mail receive information about the cash on delivery. If the Customer does not pay the demand within 6 business days from the issue date, the amount will automatically be offset against the Customer’s balance on the LogiSnap Platform. If there is insufficient coverage on the Customer’s balance, the amount will be attempted to be deducted from the Customer’s associated payment information. If this is also not successful, the Supplier will charge the Customer a reminder fee of DKK 100 after a further 10 working days.

If the Customer still does not pay the cash on delivery and the imposed reminder fee, the Supplier reserves the right to close the Customer’s access to the LogiSnap Platform. Next, the case will be forwarded to Debt Collection, for which the Customer will be charged any additional fees and legal fees for the transfer to Debt Collection.

10.4 Shipping information.

The responsibility for correct shipping information rests with the customer, who is also responsible for the package label being correctly affixed to the package. The package label must be affixed to the outside of the package, be fully visible to the carrier’s employees and be able to be scanned by the carrier’s systems.

If the Customer sends a business package to a private address, the shipment will instead be assessed by the carrier as “private package with delivery”, for which the remaining amount for shipping will be post-invoiced.

If the customer does not comply with these guidelines, the carrier will be able to charge the customer a supplement for the necessity of having to handle the specific package manually. Contact the given carrier for specific rates on this.

10.5 Invoicing of labels.

The customer must be aware that each label used will be invoiced to them / paid via their credit card solution according to their consumption and our price lists in force at any given time. If a normal digital label is printed, but this is subsequently deleted in the platform, this label will not be considered used, and thus will not be invoiced / deducted. If, on the other hand, a return label is printed, these are considered to have been used as soon as they are printed. The deadline for deleting a label, subordinate to ordinary or return, will be the same calendar day as it was created. If it is attempted to be deleted after the deadline, the customer will be invoiced the applicable label print price.

10.6 Under franking of shipments.

If the Customer sends a package with too little postage paid, the Customer will be invoiced for the remaining amount. Post-invoicing can take up to 180 weekdays from the date of dispatch.

10.7 Exceeding weight, dimensions and packaging.

The individual carriers have a number of requirements for dimensions and packaging of shipments. If the Customer violates these, the carrier is authorized to post-invoice the Customer for any fees. Also applies if the weight stated on the booking does not match the real weight on the package. Charges for this are provided by the carrier used.

10.8 Return shipments.

If a package cannot be delivered to the recipient in question or is never picked up by the recipient at the collection point, the package will be returned to the Customer. The customer will then be invoiced for the return freight for the shipment. The same applies to illegal content or exceeding the maximum dimensions for the shipment specified by the carrier.

In the event of an incorrect receiving address for shipments abroad, the customer will be contacted per email and be made aware of this. The customer then has 48 hours to return to the supplier with the correct recipient address, with which the shipment can be processed. If the supplier does not receive a response from the customer within the specified time limit, the shipment will be sent back to the sender at the customer’s expense and incur an administration fee of DKK 150.